About Us
Captain David Ryan
Captain David Ryan is a true lifelong waterman and lover of adventure. Growing up just blocks away from La Jolla, CA’s famous Wind’n’Sea beach, David has been at home in the waves since childhood. He learned to sail at age 10 (taught by a fellow 10 year old, in a boat not much bigger than a shoebox!) and sailing has been a part of his life ever since.
Captain David and his wife Amelia moved to Montauk in 1997, drawn by the surfing, fishing, and boating culture of what was then a much sleepier hamlet on Long Island’s East End. He built his first small sailboat in 1999, and learned many of the skills that would later go into his building of the Mon Tiki Fleet.
David’s sailing adventures have taken him to Bermuda, the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean, as well as up and down the eastern seaboard. When he’s not sailing, you might find David flying (he’s a commercial rated aviator), surfing, playing the guitar, or tooling around the back roads on his vintage BMW motorcycle!
Watch Captain David on The East End Show